Taunton Public Schools Newsletter - 8/21/2023 A summary of our school district's departments throughout the 2022-23 school year and more.
March 21st is Downs' Syndrome Awareness Day Please wear colorful or striped socks in support for Downs' Syndrome Awareness Day on 3/21!
Celebrate Black History Month at Taunton Public Library Come by the library on 2/17 @ 3pm and2/25 @ 1pmto see Chefiatou Tokov a dancer from Togo, West Africa, currently residing in Massachusetts.
Taunton Public Schools Community Communication 5.25.22 Please see this Taunton Public Schools Community Communication 5.25.22 from Superintendent Cabral.
Principal's Fundraiser Don't forget our Principal's Fundraiser starting 9/12-30th. Everything is online and orders will be shipped directly to your home. Thank you in advance to help support our students' extra activities.
2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration starts April 1st Please visit our enrollment page for more information. We encourage you to enroll using our online registration.
Extended Day Information Taunton Extended Day has before and after school programming and summer time programming too!
Fall Registration Being Accepted New Student registrations are now being accepted for Leddy's half day programs for September 2022. Anyone interested in the PreK full-day programs will need to contact Mulcahey or Chamberlain directly. Please see white button on top of page which will direct you to instructions and pages to print out for registration. If you need further assistance or cannot print, please contact office at 508-821-1275. Paperwork can be dropped in grey box outside front office door.